Supporting Wellbeing – Part 3 We’ve already covered physical, emotional, occupational and social wellbeing in the previous two parts of this series. Here, we’ll tackle intellectual and spiritual wellbeing to complete our delve into the six dimensions. Intellectual wellbeing Being intellectually well refers to expanding our knowledge and skills and...
Improving wellbeing with aromatherapy – Part 2
Supporting Wellbeing – Part 2 In part 1 of this series, we looked at the physical and emotional dimensions of wellbeing. This article delves into 2 more dimensions, [1] how we can develop them and natural therapy’s role in this. Occupational wellbeing This dimension’s focus is on our working lives....
Palliative Care
Natural Support in Palliative Care Any health professional or carer working in palliative care understands the need for a range of support methods. As palliative care involves working alongside someone who has a life-limiting or terminal illness, it is a very personal branch of healthcare. Strong relationships within the professional...
Promoting Wellbeing – Part 1
Wellbeing is a term often used in today’s world, and it’s great to see it being so focused on in many aspects of our lives. But do we really understand what the term means? How do we know if our wellbeing is a concern? Over 3 articles, we will explore...
Managing Stress and Anxiety Naturally
Feeling stress or anxiety from time to time is a normal part of life. Our natural fight or flight responses are activated through feelings of stress, and this can help us prepare for what’s to come. However, when feeling anxious starts to affect our ability to manage situations or daily...